Welcome to
Neuma Enterprises​​

Your Trusted Partner to Expand Your Business in Africa


As per McKinsey Reports

Africa may be the only pharmaceutical market where genuinely high growth is still achievable. ​

The African opportunity is equally paved with lot of roadblocks / challenges 

  • Non unified market spread makes it difficult to identify pockets of growth
  • Building effective local sales and marketing teams requires big investments
  • Wide varying consumer preferences, price points, manufacturing, and distribution infrastructures
  • Absence of a pan-African pharma regulatory
  • Transport and Logistics Infrastructures are patchy leading to supply and distribution challenges

Neuma Enterprises is well positioned with it’s Expert pharma team, Local connects and Deep understanding of African markets to help you overcome many of the above challenges and set you on a path towards SUCCESS

Our Business Offerings

We help you right from identifying market potential to establishing your business presence in African markets

Partner With Us

Are you a manufacturing company, looking for growth in African markets? We can help



Medical Devices

Turnkey Projects



Bridging Businesses and Geographies

Neuma is founded by a group of Pharmacists to provide a one stop solution to Pharma companies for all their needs to get their business rolling and successful in Africa.

Founder Members bring together more than 50 yrs of experience in International Business with expertise in healthcare sector and life sciences

Are you a manufacturing company looking for growth in Africa?